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Sizanani Logistics
Rothmann, Christo
No 9 7th Ave
Johannesburg, GAUTENG, 1610
Iedereen, dichtbij, maar ook verder weg in de wereld. Stichting Sizanani zet zich in voor het Nqutu-district in Zuid-Afrika. Wij bieden medische en sociale ondersteuning, maar willen ook de zelfvoorziening bevorderen doormiddel van onderwijs en trainingen.
Berg Gasoline differentiates itself through innovative supply chain solutions, using its advanced fleet management capabilities, to deliver sustainable results throughout their divisions of the Sizanani Group. Berg Gasoline strongly subscribes to it motto of We Deliver Miracles Safely. At Berg Gasoline we have acknowledged the need to no.
Establish and maintain long term business relationship with our clients. Render professional and trust worthy training services to those in need of it. Familiarize trainees with occupational health and safety requisites. Equip trainees with knowledge and practical skills ensuring a safe and efficient work environment. Ensure that continuous high standard of training is implemented and maintained within the company.
Terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011. Tal como no ano anterior a organização foi excelente. Bom secretariado, marcações e abastecimento muito bons. O percurso foi muito variado, primeiros kms muito rolantes. Quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2011.